Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chester The Cat Paints A Picture

I came down with this icky cough due to cold thing that I have been fighting for days, no weeks, now.  So my projects have slipped by the wayside, as has my blogging.  But today, I have a special treat.

Chester - The Cat Who Paints!

If you read my blog, you will undoubtedly remember my little Chester - the cat who likes to craft.  Well, it's more like he just wants to be in the middle of EVERYTHING I am doing.

Chester with his paintbrush on a pre-painting day.
I discovered that Chester loves to play with and carry around these little black sponge paint brushes.  Despite my best attempts to hide them, somehow, he finds them and spends hours upon hours playing with them.  

I took some pictures of him with his brush and showed some friends.  One friend said I should let him paint - like for real.  Crazy, right?

Well, - one bored evening, I put out some paper, gave him some paint, and let him go to town!

His masterpiece ended up being the birthday present to said friend who had the idea. 

Paints, Check!
This is interesting...

  It didn't take him long to figure things out.  Once he did, he was jumping and swatting, batting, and alas, painting an abstract.
Ah-HA!  Attacking the paper is fun!

So, if I take the brush like this...

Gizmo, Chester's sister, 
getting in on the action

I need a beret - I am that awesome!
That's McCheetoh Van Gogh to you!
I need more pink, Mom!
Chester McCheetoh Van Gogh Original

Alright, so in the end, I helped by unscrewing the lids and pouring the paint on the brush.  But he and his sister did the rest.  Not bad for a painting cat, if I do say so myself!  Hats off to you, Cheetoh Head!

**Disclaimer - No animals were harmed in the making of this painting.

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