Thursday, April 4, 2013

Making Your Very Own Therapeutic Bath Salts!

It's been a while.  I can't say I've been overly busy to blog, or that I've stopped home improvement projects.  I guess it just slipped my mind to take pictures, and blogs aren't very fun to read without pictures!!

Today, I wanted to go outside and fertilize the lawn and throw down some grass seed in our bare grassy spots.  But alas, I have been ill and my husband begged me to take it easy and rest. After careful negotiation, I agreed to sit around and 'rest' and he will do the lawn this weekend.  I really think I got the better part of that deal, but I'm certainly not complaining about it.  Anyways... moving on...

What better way to take it easy and rest than a nice hot bath with some therapeutic properties?  No better way, I say!  Enter... Bath Salts!!

Now, there are a multitude of different recipes you can find online for making bath salts.  Some use food coloring, some use perfume for scent, some use baking soda, glycerin for making your skin smooth, and various other things.  I like to keep mine simple, for one, because I'm lazy and don't just have glycerin hanging around the house, and two, my skin is pretty sensitive to a lot of stuff and I find the simple recipe relaxing and non-itchy.  

If you are feeling adventurous, by all means, add some food coloring and have fun cleaning that bathtub!!  ;)

Here is what you need for my simple recipe...

Salt - I used Epsom Salt only this time around, but you can use a mixture of sea salt, epsom, kosher, dead sea, etc. or one of these other salts by themselves.
Seal able Jar
Your favorite essential oil
Spoon or other device for getting your salt in your jar
Scissors, ribbon, glue (or anything else you want to decorate your bath salt jar with)

Step 1 - Make sure you start with a clean jar.  I repurposed this jar from some other bath salts I purchased a while back.

Step 2 - Start adding salt to your jar about 4 tablespoons at a time.  

Step 3 - Each 8 tablespoons or so, add a drop of your favorite essential oil and shake the bottle to distribute.  

Essential oils are a funny thing.  If you get high quality oils, you need VERY little oil to make an impact.  If you have lower quality oils, you need more.  Keep that in mind when making your bath salt.  

For a relaxing bath, I would recommend Lavender, Peace and Calming, or Roman Chamomile.  For stress relief, perhaps some Eucalyptus, Joy, Citrus, or a combination or Lavender and Orange.  Please test out your oils before emerging your entire self into a hot vat of the stuff.

I have recently discovered a new oil called Aroma Siez from Young Living that is terrific as a muscle relaxant and works for tension headaches.  This is what I used for my bath salt this time around.  Just be aware, it is STRONG. 

Step 4 - Continue to fill your jar with salts, then drop of oil, layering them and shaking the jar to mix them up until your jar is mostly full. 

Step 5 - Decorate your bottle to your hearts content.  If you are good at tying ribbon, that might be the easiest.  I am no good at cute bows, so I just glued a strip of ribbon on my jar that matched my bathroom.  

My finished Bath Salt Bottle!
Step 6 - Run a warm bath and add a few tablespoons of your salt to the water.  

Okay - so a few tablespoons probably doesn't seem like much.  Depending on the salts you are using and the oil you are using, you can certainly use more.  I find using more ends up being a little overpowering.  I mean, I'm trying to relax; I am not trying to kill myself with strong smells and burning salt.  :) 

Using very hot water will heighten the effect of the bath as well.  As always, when dealing with essential oils and Epsom Salt, be careful.  I don't need you blaming me cause you got a little overly excited about your new bath salt. :-D

This bath salt and blog is not intended to treat or diagnose any disease or ailment you have.  I just like the stuff... I thought you might, too.  :-)  Now, go to your bathroom, dim the lights, take a good book or some relaxing music, and soak to your hearts content.

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