Friday, July 27, 2012

A girl with a vision + Pinterest + Cat + Paint = ???

Let me tell you a story...
My husband works the late shift, and I work a normal 9-5 type of job... so it leaves me bored in the evenings until he gets home.  This is a story of what I did tonight...

I sit on the couch, thinking to myself... doodooodutdutdoooo.  I'm tired, but I really feel like I should do something productive.  Blah, not tonight.  I am just too tired.  I know!  I will surf pinterest.  Surf, Surf, Surf.... ooooooo Home Improvement sections! doodooodutdutdooo... 2 hours later...

These painting tips are great!! Dutdootooddoooo... Wait... I have a hallway I need to finish painting... it's been like a year since I started that project... dundundundoodooo... I SHOULD DO THAT!!!

Pinterest says it's easy!  Professional painting in 3 easy steps!!  I can do it!!!!!! Done - im doing it!

Get all the hall paint and roller and brush out...

Doo, doo, paint, paint... up on chair, down on ground, up on chair, down on ground... ladeeda paint paint... 30 minutes later...

Half a wall done... excellent work self!

Go to get drink of water...  think to myself... man - my arms are tired...

Buck up, self!  Go back to hallway...

In walks cat.

Bad kitty - go away.

Paint paint paint paint... 1 wall done, yay!  Go team me!!  I am amazing!!

Go to bathroom where I left paint.

Cat... in... paint...


Freak out... Forget temporarily I have a paint brush in hand.  Forget I have a cup of paint in hand.  Drop said paint brush and cup.  Grab cat... with hands that have paint all over them.

Dammit!  Clean cat.  Lock cat away.

Remember I left paint brush and paint cup...

Look at dropped paint brush and cup with paint.

See additional cat with paint brush.


Clean Cat.  Lock cat away.

Clean paint brush.

Pick up cup with paint.

Clean floor.

Clean counter.

Look at painted wall. Appears paint color has changed in a years time.

Defeated.  Shit.  Multicolored walls.

Clean up all messes.  Sit down on couch and see message from husband:  "Dear, did you fall asleep already?"

Explain story to husband.

Husband: "Wow.  That's quite the story... What lesson have we learned from this experience?"

Me:  "Kill cat.  Kill Pinterest."

The End.

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